15 Crazy things that Justin Bieber fans have done for him

15 Crazy things that Justin Bieber fans have done for him

Probably Justin is the most famous guy in the music industry.From his earliest albums to date, Justin does not have a song that has not been successful, so it is no surprise the amount of fans that has around the world. However, there is something a little disturbing about the Beliebers (how are you girls call themselves), and we could say that come to surpass te thin line between "worship" and complete dementia.
Because one thing is love for your idols and another thing is verging on the ridiculous, look at these 15 rare and disturbing things that have made Bieber fans.

1. Once a fan "saved" the air we breathed Bieber

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No kidding, really is the air I breathe Justin, so comments in his caption:
"Justin was in my town, so I went out and kept the air in the bottle".

2. When this fan cut the lock of hair that "play" to Biebs

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Because the memory of having met in person, embraced and take a picture is anything but durable, the girl needed one more memory, and thus explains:
"I cut my hair and I saved the part that touched Justin Bieber ... #CosasdeBeliebers".

3. Someone regret in a couple of years of his tattoo

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His face, his name, his cartoon, the phrase "I love you - belieber".

4. Or maybe not ...

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For her happy face, we can ensure that it really is very aware of what he does.

5. And the mothers of the fans join the madness

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This mother got a tattoo of Justin, just to get tickets to his daughter. It is tender, but also a little disturbing, let's be honest.

6. This guy threw up to make it a "tribute" to Bieber

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Yes, this guy took the time, and some stomach to make a "tribute" to the time when Justin vomited on stage. And this is how faith in humanity back one box.

7. adorable fanart

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It would be very sweet if only detail not give us a bit afraid how he sees Justin fan made this drawing.

8. There's something about these girls is not working well

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9. The word 'hormones' and Bieber should not go together

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Please girls, we understand that they want to kiss Bieber, but there ends, gobiérnense!

10. There are even fans without fear of dying see Justin

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"Things that make Beliebers today for access to the hotel room of Justin ... Madness"

11. Nothing like when they worshiped the ground where Justin walked!

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12. And the fan cut his hair a girl who defamed JB

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"This girl in front of me, in mathematics, Justin called gay, so I cut her hair; now I'm suspended from class; It was worth it".

13. They can negotiate with their virginity for some tickets

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14. Spending 60,000 euros in surgery to look like JB

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That was how it ended up being a fan news after spending your money and surgery to look like Justin, just in case anyone had doubts how committed and devotees were at the Biebs .

15. Because only mourn for your idol it is beginner

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